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Week 1 


M (Aug 26) Class Policies 



W (Aug 29) Economics Backstory, Markets, & Scarcity 

Reading: Adam Smith (CEE)    Undercover Economist Chapter 1  

Graphics/Slides:   Layer Cake Intro         Backstory  & Scarcity  PPT  




Week 2  





W (Sept 4) Prices on Micro & Macro Levels   

Reading:  Undercover Economist Chapter 3       CPI (CEE)                                           


Graphics/Slides:    Prices & Macro PPT    I, Pencil Video       Movie Data     CPI  Gasoline Price Data                        







Week 3


​M (Sept 9) Measuring Macro Conditions   

Readings:  Making Sense of Unemployment (StL Fed)   GDP (up to GDP v. Gross National Income)   Constant Dollar (Real) GDP   
                   National Net Worth                                           


Graphics/Slides:      GDP, Wealth, Unemployment Powerpoint  
                                    HP and Unintended Consequences Part 1  Part 2



W (Sep 11) Exam 1   (Refer to Study Questions Sections 1-4)






Week 4 

M (Sept 16) Measuring & Explaining Differences in Living Standards 


Readings:  Overview of Living Standards    Extra Credit Map due  at Exam 2: IMF Link & Handout



        Extra Credit Map: IMF Link & Handout  


Graphics/Slides:        Living Standards Basics PPT        Moscow on the Hudson               

                                     Gapminder World    GDP & Life Expectancy, Infant Mortality      IMF GDPPC Map  
                                     Intra & Inter-Country Comparisons (World Bank)  


Reading Supplement: Cross Country Growth (Phil Fed)





W (Sept 18) Measuring & Explaining Differences in National Living Standards


Readings:   Undercover Economist Chapter 8 + 10               


Graphics/Slides:   Living Standards Factors PPT    Econ Freedom Map (Fraser)   
                                 Hotel Rwanda Clip 1       Hotel Rwanda Clip 2     

                                  Experts Easterly Review 




Week 5

M (Sept 23) Innovation, Creative Destruction & Growth in Living Standards + Sustainability  


Readings:      Creative Destruction (CEE)          


Graphics/Slides:    Living Standards  & Innovation PPT     Robotic Surgery    RB2                  



W (Sept 25) Trade & Growth in Living Standards

Readings: Undercover Economist Chapter 9 


Graphics/Slides:    Living Standards & Trade PPT  Shipping Visualization     Container Ship Video (0:41-)                                     

                                  Busch Ad 1      Busch Ad 2      Regional Look at Trade (StL Fed)                                                                        


Supplements: International Trade (Dallas Fed)   Globalization (Dallas Fed) 




Week 6


M (Sept 30)  Review + Questions/Topics Related to Economic Growth

Sustainability & Limits

Graphics/Slides:    PPT (Last Section)    Avengers IW Thanos' Goal   






W (Oct 2) Exam 2     (Refer To Study Questions Sections 5-6)      
                  Extra Credit Map due  at Exam 2: IMF Link & Handout       




Week 7


M (Oct 7)  Financial Markets: Money & Credit Markets                                        

Readings:  Money (Dallas Fed)   Overview of Credit Markets      Anatomy of a $100 Bill (PBS-NOVA)


Graphics/Slides:   Money & Credit Markets PPT   It's a Wonderful Life Clip  Friedman Video on Panic                                                     


Supplements: Financial Panics (CEE)   UE Chapter 6 (orange cover)  The Story of Money (Atl Fed)
                           Bitcoin (StL Fed)        Strong Dollar v Weak Dollar (StL Fed)     
                             Bloomberg FX rates   Gold Prices  Big Mac Index




W (Oct 9)  TBD 




Week 8

M (Oct 14)  Financial Markets: Fed, Monetary System, & Inflation
Readings:  The Fed (Dallas Fed)   What is the Fed (SF Fed)   Inflation (CEE)   


Graphics/Slides:    Fed & Inflation PPT    


W (Oct 16) Additional Financial Markets: Stock Markets & Insurance Markets   
Readings:   Overview of Stock Markets    Undercover Economist Ch 6   (green cover)       

Graphics/Slides:   Stock & Insurance Markets PPT   








Week 9


M (Oct 21) Review, Questions & Related Topics  

Optimal Risk 





W (Oct 23)  Exam 3      (Refer To Study Questions 7-10)            






Week 10



M (Oct 28) Government & The Economy



Reading:  U.S. Taxes & Spending 


Graphics/Slides:  Govt & Economy PPT  




W (Oct 30) Fiscal Policy: Deficits & Debts in U.S. & International


Reading:    US Debt in Near Term (Stl Fed)  +   US Debt in Long Term (StL Fed)               


Graphics/Slides:     Deficits & Debt PPT                





Week 11                         

M (Nov 4)  Recessions: Facts & Causes 


Reading:  Business Cycles


Graphics/Slides: Great Depression Video  (2:50-8:30)   Business Cycles PPT

W (Nov 6)  Recessions: Monetary & Fiscal Policy Responses


Reading: Stimulus Policy


Graphics/Slides:  Countercyclical Policy PPT 




Week 12



M (Nov 11)   Review & Related Topics




W (Nov 13)  

 Exam 4            (Refer to Study Questions Sections 11-13)  




Week 13

M  (Nov 18) Differences in Income in the U.S. & Other Wealthy Nations

Reading:  Overview of Income Inequality   

Graphics/Slides:    PPT on US Income Differences    




W (Nov 20)  Macro & Health Care 

Reading:   UE Chapter 5        John Cochrane Blog   

Reading:   Health Care Benefits (MN Fed)   



Graphics/Data: PPT    CPI & CPI-Med   GDP & HC Expenditures   HC Expenditures & Child Mortality    

                             Govt Share   Out of Pocket   Country Wait Times   CT & MRI                     

Supplement: Alternatives  Outside the Box on HC Policy (CEE)  



Week 14


M (Nov 25)  Overview of Selected World Economic Issues 



W (Nov 27) Thanksgiving Break -- NO CLASS



Week 15

M (Dec 2)  Lessons & Questions about Markets
No Reading

Graphics/Slides: Ideas to Remember PPT    



W (Dec 4) Exam 5 (study questions section 14 + prior exams)



Week 16 Finals Week 






















































What Are Major Economic Threats?    

Readings:  US Debt Looming Disaster (StL Fed)  800 Years of Financial Folly  (VoxEU)  

Data/Graphics:   Powerpoint on Debt 

                             Debt Crisis in Europe (StL Fed)  EU Debt   EU Data  














What Are Recessions, Causes, & Cures? 

Readings: There are no required readings 

Graphics/Data:  GDP in Long & Short Run (StL Fed)      Constant Dollar GDP Changes & Unemployment   (StL Fed)

                                Fed Expenditue & Monetary Base  














Additional Topics 

Macroecon & Health Care 

Readings:  Healthcare Different? (CEE)   Health Care Benefits (MN Fed)  
Data/Graphics:  GDP & Health Expenditures (Gapminder)  Out of Pocket Exp (Gapminder)  

                             Country Wait Times (OECD)  MRI & CT Per Capita (OECD)  Wait Times in Canada (Fraser) 



Exchange Rate Data (Bloomberg)   Economist Big Mac Website


F (Aug 28) What Are Alternative Ways of Distributing Goods? Readings: Capitalism (CEE)  Socialsim (CEE)  Graphics/Data: Cows & Econ Systems   Size of Govt by Country (OECD)   US Size of Govt (StL Fed)   


How Does the CPI Overstate Health Care Prices?   

Readings:  Health Care Benefits (MN Fed)  Undercover Economist Chapter 5
Graphics/Data: CPI & CPI-Med   GDP & HC Expenditures    Country Wait Times   CT & MRI  



What about U.S. Inequality & Its Sources?     

Readings: Poverty -- US Income Distribution (CEE)  Inequality: Problem or Symptom (Cochrane)  

Graphics/Data:  PPT on US Differences   


Related: Cross-Country Comparisons (NYT)  Income Distribution & Mobility

                            US Federal Poverty Assistance (CRS)   Income Mobility (StL Fed)   Wages & Productivity (Bloomberg)     

 Sustainable Development (Dallas Fed)  Natural Resources  (CEE)  
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